Bible Lessons On Transformation

What makes humans different from other animals?

Human beings use their minds for more than simply survive – we want to thrive. If we look at the beginning of our earth’s story, God spoke all living beings into creation, but when it came to the creation of mankind, he used his hands to form us.

Then he breathed life into us.

He said he made us in His likeness.

Photo by Cindy Gustafson on

So, what is God like?

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My hope is that as we journey together, we will learn what God is like and subsequently, also learn more about ourselves and what we are meant to be.

In this series, we will be exploring the Bible to have a better understanding of the character of God.

When I speak of God, I’m speaking of the creator of the universe. You don’t have to be a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim to believe in the Creator. If you carefully observe nature1, you will find evidence of a designer behind all of it. If you’re open to acknowledging His existence, I strongly encourage you to seek out the truth. His truth.

Are you ready to get started? Then, read on.

There are different ways people have come to know God. Since the very beginning, God has been speaking to us. We just have to learn how to recognize His voice. He communicates to humans in dreams, visions, and through the Word. We are going to explore the written Word (e.g. Bible) because it is the historical record that introduces us to His character.

As you read this series I hope that you will come to know Him. He wants you to understand who He really is, so you can have a relationship that is personal. As you get to know God’s character, I hope that like me, you will understand what your purpose here is and start thriving as you are meant to.

Click here for your daily reflection. If this is Day One of your journey scroll to January 1st, 2024 so you can follow the progression in order.

If you would like to learn how to get the most out of your Bible reading experience, I recommend this book. It is short, easy to read, and expertly written.

Photo by Enoch Patro on

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